Sunday, September 09, 2007

Yeah Yeah!

I ask any of my literary friends to tell me of the significance of the tomato in this video.

My husband,who detests tomatoes, contends that the first tomato grew on the Tree of Knowledge. Eve ate a bite then handed it to Adam. Subsequently they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Because of human sin, God gave tomatoes poison leaves and made them to grow low to the ground like a serpent. He also made them taste really bad. He likes marinara, but asserts that the sin-e-cine has been removed in processing, so they're kosher. Anybody who knows hubby knows the story of the "Devil's Dingleberry", he preaches it like he's on a street corner.

Anyway, at the beginning of the song "Love Stinks" (on vinyl), J. Geils tells the story of the Garden of Eden. Then there's this absurd mystery tomato in the video.

Is hubby's theory widely held?

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