Saturday, September 01, 2007

Highly Creative Day

I keep recycling this image, but I really like it. So call me vain, I don't care.

I can't believe how many steps I've gone through with this thing. My portraits lately have been a real marriage of good old fashioned drawing, and high tech gadgetry.

First I took a photo, then I drew a portrait using that photo as a guide, then I took a photo of the portrait. I downloaded the image from my Nikon Coolpix and used Paint Shop Pro and put a hot wax coating on the image. That was a few months ago. Today I decided to print that image on some art paper and colorize it with some pastels and pencils. Then I scanned that image in and pumped up the colors. Here's what you get.

What's really funny is that the camera I used is in the photo. So is a rearview mirror. I keep using this portrait which is a photo of myself taking a picture of myself to make a portrait of myself. I've even photographed the portait of myself taking a photo. Scanned it too.

I'm not sure if I'm a good advertisement for caffeine.

1 comment:

AJC said...

I love this piece also. I can see why you keep using it. I've done the same with a photo I took, even made an etching with it...

love it all!