Friday, September 28, 2007

Wisdom (Or Why I Can't Make it Through a Yoga Class Without Laughing Dandelion Tea Out My Nose)

The other night when I was up way too late for my own good and my husband was snoring away next to me, I got to chuckling. I had a funny thought that stemmed from a conversation I had with a yoga instructor friend of mine. She was telling me about energy lines in our bodies, and why we sit with our index finger to our thumb when we meditate. She told me that once upon a time, gurus would spend as much as 20 years isolated in caves for the purpose of studying these lines. One guru may spend years only focused on the index finger, or the middle finger. She told me the middle finger was the finger of wisdom. I just can't shake this picture in my mind of a naked, wizened and worn old guru staggering out of a cave with his middle finger fully extended and exclaiming to the crowd "I got your wisdom right here! Now get me a big bean burrito!"

But the whole middle finger/wisdom thing makes sense. Often this finger has been used on me, and the dose of wisdom was instant.

Ajeet, forgiveness is divine, but I think an immature sense of humor is diviner. Yes?

Hey, put that finger back.


Audubon Ron said...

Hey Michelle, yes please roll me.

Guru’s, now I understand why my mom use to shoot me the finger in front of my friends. She was passing on sage advice.

About the snore thing. My wife and I have separate suites, because she snores or do I snore, I forget, one of us snores. (Suites = her bedroom, me couch)

Catching up on a few other blogs, thanks for the birthday recognition, mine was this month, not to feel bad, I once threw a big surprise party for my wife two days after her real birthday. We said, SURPRISE! She said, “Thanks but my birthday was two days ago.” Everybody looked at me like, “You dumb shit.” ADHD thing.

I’m a song book moron too. Can you imagine me transposing Bach Violin concertos into classical guitar pieces? With ADHD? I actually did one. I was the moron who said, I CAN DO ANYTHING! It took a whole bottle of tequila to drown the ringing in my head.

Time: Now orange-you-sassy? Get it? Orange? Oh never mind, you’re tough audience tonight.

Great piece of art work. You’re talented!

Get junior into ballet. Believe it or not, I did ballet. He’ll meet some fine ass women in there.

This is Audubon Ron
Over and out

Michele said...

I'd like to hear those Bach violin concertos on classical guitar. Right now I am learning a few Bach pieces, but I'm strictly tab.