Thursday, April 26, 2007

Preparing for the Zombocolypse

The other night I asked my husband what would scare him more, seeing a clown coming down our street at midnight, or seeing a zombie. He said he would be more fearful of the clown. You never know what to expect from clowns, but you know that a zombie is just out looking for brains. Every time he buys something I question, he tells me how valuable it will be when the zombies come. He dreams of scenarios where he's protecting civilization from the hourds of undead. All with humor of course.

I thought it was only my husband blurring the lines of fantasy and reality.

Then comes along. I guess he has a few zombist friends that turned him on to this new organization. Their motto is "We make dead things deader."

Here's a little FAQ from the website:

Q: Do you really think Zombies are real or is this some sort of zombie movie fan site?

A: Zombie Squad realizes that it is quite possible for someone to live their entire lives without encountering the undead nuisance. However, we hold fast to the belief that if you are prepared for a scenario where the walking corpses of your family and neighbors are trying to eat you alive, you will be prepared for almost anything.

Zombie Squad is very serious about promoting public awareness of the need for survival preparation and contingency planning.

And here's a nifty powerpoint presentation that wisely reminds the more soft-hearted among us, that the undead aren't just in need of a big hug.

All the funny aside, after reading the site, they are actually a very charitable organization. Maybe we'll start a troop of Zombie Scouts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We're always looking for new recruits for our non-stationary cadavor suppression task force! :)