Thursday, April 26, 2007

Peaceful Protest 2

All the way back on March 4, but this stuff doesn't make the news, so people have to go looking for it.

Apparently I didn't get the memo, but the road to peace is paved with stones thrown at conservatives.

Exclusive: Karl Rove Heckled And Pelted With Rocks

(03/04/07) WASHINGTON - White House aide Karl Rove came face to face with angry protesters after speaking to the Young Republican Club at American University Tuesday night, with about 20 students lying down in front of his car.

Student Josh Goodman told The Washington Post other students kicked Rove's car, "and tried to stop it as best they could."

Goodman, an AU junior, said he and others wanted to make a "citizens arrest" of the presidential adviser.

This is exclusive eyewitness video of the incident. This low-res video was captured on a cell phone.


Anonymous said...

Apparently it isn't 1968 when demonstrations made the news. Just finished watching "Bobby" and you wouldn't have survived the 60's if you think this is bad.

Michele said...

Naw, I don't think it's bad. There's just this misconception out there that peace protesters are peaceful.