Friday, November 02, 2007

Mighty Mice

Monday morning, my daughter and her friend are going out to buy two mice in order to run an experiment studying the effects of nutrition on concentration and behavior. I'll blog it as interesting things will surely develop. They will be entering their experiment in the local homeschooler's science fair.

They have already picked out their names: Poppy, and Lucky Sue. She's lucky because she's a feeder mouse who has been saved from being a snake's lunch.

Here's an interesting little article I read today about super mice. Oh no, they're not interested in using this technology in humans;) I imagine the military will get their hands on this one. Perhaps even the NFL.


Victor said...

yay! Rodentia!

Pesonally, though, domestic mice look so small and...fragile. I'd be afraid I'd hold him too tight, or not tight enough so that he gets away, which would be worse.

Audubon Ron said...

Yeah, seems I read or heard something about blocking lactic acid and they run their cute little legs off and have a heart attack from getting it on all night. I suppose there are worse ways to go.