Monday, November 26, 2007

Josie's Lego Fantasy

When I was a nine year old girl, my creative pursuits involved drawing pictures of unicorns, learning all the words to the songs on "Flashdance", and taking photos of my friends pretending to be models. Here is my daughter's idea of creative fun. I should have played with Legos more as a child, but none of the figures had realistic hair for me to braid.

Josie's story begins with a souvenir shop. All manner of helmets, swords, and armor are sold there. The shop is the first place you come to when you walk into our scene.

Notice the "parking lot" where the people have left their horses to graze while they wait in line behind the chain for the show.

Many years ago, the king captured a dragon who was burning down the forest. He tamed her and named her Sophie. He entertains his people by putting on plays with the dragon. The king hires live actors and undead actors to perform.

Notice that Sophie has captured an evil skeleton in her powerful jaws.

Here is the whole scene from above.

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