Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Einstein Talking

This is so cute to me. My favorites are "Lookitchoo! You're all wet!" and "Shake shake shake, shake your booty." He would probably get annoying after a while, but apparently his owner is a real sweetie, because that's all you hear coming from him. Or I think it's a her.

Makes me wonder what my parrot would say if I had one.

Probably "Joe-See! Hey Jake! Hey Jake! Hey Jake! You know what? You know what? You know what? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! GetcherbuttinhereNOW! I said I was SORRY! Hey Jake, hey Jake, hey Jake, you know what?!"

I'm not sure I want a parrot this verbal.

So, dear friends, what would your parrot say?


Audubon Ron said...

My luck I’d get a parrot with Tourettes. It would come from me mind you.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Einstein is from the Knoxville Zoo? I have not checked to see if she/he is still there. I thought the name looked familiar.
See Ya! Monica