Thursday, June 14, 2007

Teacher Terrorism? Part 2

Well, it's not exactly teacher terrorism, but it's right in line with this earlier post.

Tell me, are these kinds of awards going to help the children? I had a friend in middle school who was a very nice girl. She had a lot of problems in school even though she was in gifted and talented programs. Looking back today, I can see that she probably had some attentional issues that caused these academic problems. I really wasn't a very supportive friend to her, but it was always the teachers who seemed to understand her the least. She confided in me once, that her second grade teacher picked her up in front of the class and held her over the garbage can, and asked the other students if she could throw her in the trash. That story kind of stuck with me all these years, and I still hurt for this friend. I can't imagine how it would have felt to actually be her right then. I don't know what is worse: the thought that these teachers who did this to this boy have so little common sense, and still get paid to teach our kids "how to think", or that they have common sense and choose to be sadistic.

BTW, there are plenty of teachers out there that I positively adore. I just don't think these kinds of stories should be ignored.

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