Thursday, June 07, 2007

Weird Moon

I stayed up late watching a movie tonight, then stumbled up to bed ready to sleep. As soon as my head hit the pillow, bing!. Mental gears turning, rewinding, pausing, replaying. Occasionally, I like to stay up really late and do one of those "flashback episodes" on myself, which isn't really healthy, but my mind gets a sick thrill from playing reruns when my body is trying to sleep.

The dog seemed to be a bit fidgety too. Her toenails were endlessly clicking on the hardwood. She must have had something on her mind as well. So I asked her if she would like to go outside, and I offered to accompany her.

As we passed through the living room on our way to the back door, I grabbed my guitar. This should be novel, I thought. I'll see if I can play this tune without the sheet music, at midnight on the back patio with my dog . The moon was exceedingly bright, I thought it was a full moon, and it seemed friendly enough to sit beneath. The guitar sounded very loud at first there in the dark stillness, so I played very softly. The thing is, playing this particular tune, softly, at midnight, made me think of soundtracks to cheap horror flicks. It was simply too cheerful in a morbid and eerie way, and then the night seemed a bit threatening. Couple that with the dog getting on her hind legs against the chain link fence and growling at the rustling bushes, and suddlenly the hair on the back of my neck was telling me that my dog, my geetar, and my butt needed to get themselves inside.

Now here I am in the basement and the dog's sniffing around as if she'd never seen the place before. We're back where we started, only now my brain is writing scary movie screenplays.

1 comment:

AJC said...

hahaha, you're such a riot! Gotta love the ever imaginative mind :) Funny, I've done the same in certain situations where I stop and think,
"if this were a scary movie, the audience would be screaming, NO don't go that way" or something to that effect...