Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Teacher Terrorism

Just another reason I'm glad I'm taking responsibility for my kids' education. Apparently some jackass schoolteachers in our great state of Tennessee thought it would be a dandy idea to subject children to the horrifying experience of being taken hostage by gun wielding black-hooded bandits. Oh how fun! You might worry that your children could come home from an overnight school camping trip with a tick or two, but not with post-traumatic stress disorder.

I'd sue the shit out of them if they did that to my kids, and after I was done with that, I'd make sure these guys bought some adult diapers because I'd use my lawsuit proceeds to hire people with toy guns to pop out of the bushes and from behind alleys wherever these asshats dared to venture. Of course, I'd probably get arrested for that, not just suspended for two weeks.


Ed U. Cayshun said...

I agree that if they did this without my full knowledge, including objectives for the lesson, I would certainly be upset. I wonder if they forewarned parents or pre-taught certain material before the actual "Lesson" or experience.

Ed U. Cayshun

Ed U. Cayshun said...

Ok, I read the article AFTER I published the first comment. I'm with you, I'd be pissed. That is a case of taking a joke WAY too far!