Monday, March 12, 2007

Let it Be

That phrase has a few meanings. Let it happen... Leave it alone... Amen.

This morning I just let us be. I try to do this often, but I get afraid that things will go undone and my kids will deteriorate intellectually, if I don't monkey with them. In the winter I monkey a lot with worksheets, assignments, and activities. Now that it's getting springy I'm letting it be a bit.

It's funny what happens. This morning Jake came downstairs to tell me that I really am good at drawing, and that all the portraits I have on the walls are nice. I told him that when I was his age I took an interest in drawing. It was something I practiced all the time because I enjoyed it. At this point he picked up his recorder that he's been playing all week and asked me if I could find a place to put it that the dog wouldn't chew on it.

I asked him if he wanted to find some recorder music online to listen to. We went online and found "That Bach song. DOO-DOO-DOOO........." It's Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring I told him. I discovered a few really simple and sublime pieces by Bach like Minuet in G, and officially changed my mind about him being the Eddie Van Halen of classical music. You know the guitar show off with too many notes.

Later this morning we went outside and burned some yard junk. While he was blowing on a stick to get the fire started up, he asked me what a pun was. That's a fine question for a 7 year old to ask, huh? I told him I'd let him know when we heard one, but they're used a lot in knock knock jokes.

Finding your joy, Bach, building a proper fire, and puns. All before lunch. Because I let it be. Amen.

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