Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ultrasounds and Autism

I'm beginning to think that the theory that immunizations may cause autism because of toxic preservatives is flawed because there were toxic preservatives in the vaccines of my generation the previous generation and they don't have the high rates of autism we see in children today. But ulstrasounds are being used way more often now, right?

Anyway, the autistic brain has very poor long distance neural connections, although each individual section of their brain may have many more short connections than a normal brain, which explains the sensory integration problems, and how reason, emotion, touch, coordination, language etc. are not integrated with each other.

A good study would test the rates of ADD, ADHD, and autistic spectrum disorders in children never exposed to ultrasound, and compare it to normal exposure, then to children who were exposed to ultrasound very often.

Here's some information on Sensory Integration Dysfunction to explain why school is so difficult for these kids, and why we go to OT. The article never mentions how children's sensory issues can change daily. For example, some days a kid could be very bothered by crowds and chaos that wouldn't trouble them at all on another. It's very hard to pin down, because it is a very inconsistent condition. I also think the idea of putting your kid in a study carrel in the back of the room with headphones on and eliminating recess and gym sort of defeats the whole purpose of mainstreaming special needs kids for socialization. And if you're going to be alone all day anyway, why school? Or at least, why go to school before you have all the occupational therapies you need to better cope?

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