Saturday, August 12, 2006

Too Many Choices

I can get pretty easily overwhelmed when I'm introduced to too many choices. I get that where- do- I- start feeling. Lately I've been avoiding the grocery store like a plague. If I have to go in, I try to get in and out as fast as I can. I used to think it was because the crowds annoyed me. But I'm beginning to think that I'm more of a corner market sort of girl. I think my Food City could be about one fifth of it's current size and I would be happy. See, if I want Cheerios, I get Cheerios. Usually Honey Nut, or Original. Of course now you can get Triple Berry, Chocolate, Yogurt Burst, Frosted, Multi-Grain, Apple Cinnamon, Berry Burst Strawberry, or Team Cheerios. Or if I think I might like some wheat thins, I get wheat thins. But then in the cracker aisle I look up and wonder, well should I have Low Sodium, Reduced Fat, Harvest Five-Grain, Multi-Grain, Honey Ranch, Big, Baked, or Harvest Garden Vegetable? Don't even get me started in the cookie aisle. Let's just look at Oreos. There's Double Stuff, Fudge Dipped, White Chocolate Dipped, Mint Creme, Coffee and Creme, Mini, Chocolate and Peanut Butter, Uh-Oh, and Reduced Fat. You can also get them in bar form. And how many cereals do we really need? All of the actual food in the store is pushed out around the perimeter, all the aisles are just packed with endless varieties of processed crap. Not sayin' I don't like the flavor of that stuff, but just hearing my kids beg for it makes me insane. "Noooooooooo Mama! I wanted the Mirror Lucky Charms!" "I wanted the Mint Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts! Not the Fudge Fudge! I don't like the Berry kind!" Blahblahblahblah! Remember what pop tarts used to look like? You had blueberry, cherry, and strawberry. No frosting. You cooked them in the toaster and put butter on them. OOO. Salty and sweet. Anyway, just sayin.

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