Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Meme for Me?

So Sam tagged me, and I must answer these questions. He says he's a bit tagophobic, well, I'm a bit meme-o-phobic. Let's see how I do.

1) Post a note about a blogger you would like to see something wonderful happen for. Maybe one whose posts have touched your heart in one way or another. Include details as to why you admire them and what you wish for them. Be as supporting and affirming as you can.
2) Post your favorite memory around selflessness, giving, or doing for others. Something that has actually changed you.
3) As a postscript, name one thing you will actually do for someone in your life before December 31 that is born out of joy.
4) Tag 3 other bloggers who will play the game and find the spirit. Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog so they continue to share the good feelings.

1) Well, I guess I'd like something wonderful to happen for Sam and his family. Maybe because his post did touch my heart, but more likely because he and his family would be the folks I would think of for this question anyway.
I admire Sam's honesty, even when he's saying something others may view as unpleasant. Recently Sam's penchant for honesty has sparked some very enlightening conversations in my household.
I admire "Momma's" grace. She is above all things petty. I strive to be like that. She has also shown me that strength and vulnerability can co-exist, that darkness and laughter can be friends, that you can spend your evening kicking girl's asses on the roller derby rink, then come home and bake a honey cake for your kid.

I admire their kids first because they like my kids, secondly because they are very human. There's not a malicious bone in "Big Brother's" body. That is a rarity among children. I see him as a little genius, but I can tell his parents never have told him that because he's very humble and uncomplicated.

What do I wish for them? I wish for them to have the mental and emotional clarity they will need to face the things life throws at them. I also really wish they would win the lottery and "Momma" would use the money to open a sushi restaurant nearer to my house, and Sam could start a charter school stocked with books, pillows, and kids reading at lunchtime. I'd send my daughter there for sure.

2) My favorite memory of selflessness? I had a friend that I worked with while I was in college, his good character was only equaled by his fine set of teeth. Someone told me that he would put quarters in expired parking meters to save some citizen a parking fine. He did it for others, because he would have liked others to do that for him. The golden rule in action. He's a dentist now. I bet he's a good one with plenty of Novocaine. I won't go to him now though. I don't want anyone I actually like digging around in my neglected teeth. How embarrassing. But if you're from around here, I bet he'd do a great job of digging around in your neglected teeth.

3) What would I do for someone before Dec. 31st that is born out of joy? Maybe I'll drag my kids by the legs of their pants all over the hardwood floor, just to watch them squeal. This is purely selfless I'll add, because I will have to clean a good bit of dog hair off the backs of their shirts when this little adventure is over. Maybe if I drag them around long enough, the floor will actually get clean, then it will only be halfway selfless, but that's good enough for me.

4) I only have one blogger to tag and she's a fine old friend of mine. Merry Christmas MyGirlsMom2. You've been tagged.

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