The comedian who made this is a homeschooler. Most of the kids are his neighbors. Funny.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Birthday Josie!
This is Josie at about 4 months. (Yes, you could put it in a ponytail on top of her head.)
Daddy asked her this morning if she would please turn 8 today instead of 10. She said that she would actually prefer to turn 10, but inquired of her father why he would want her to stay a baby. He told her he was afraid that maybe they didn't play enough or have enough fun yet. She said that she thought they had a lot of fun. So he's going to let her be 10 today.
Sing Along!
Friday, December 21, 2007
I Like this Quote
Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.
~ Earl Nightingale
~ Earl Nightingale
Say This Ten Times Fast
Obligate Siblicide. Obligate Siblicide. Obligate Siblicide.
Heard it on Jeff Corwin, and though the words struck me as funny, the act did not.
Heard it on Jeff Corwin, and though the words struck me as funny, the act did not.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Betcha didn't get a side patio performance like this at your Christmas party. Sorry my camera couldn't capture the whole spectacle, but the fire is the most important part anyway.
If you're a friend and you're wondering why you weren't invited, it was actually a party for hubby's aikido dojo.
If you're a friend and you're wondering why you weren't invited, it was actually a party for hubby's aikido dojo.
A Meme for Me?
So Sam tagged me, and I must answer these questions. He says he's a bit tagophobic, well, I'm a bit meme-o-phobic. Let's see how I do.
1) Post a note about a blogger you would like to see something wonderful happen for. Maybe one whose posts have touched your heart in one way or another. Include details as to why you admire them and what you wish for them. Be as supporting and affirming as you can.
2) Post your favorite memory around selflessness, giving, or doing for others. Something that has actually changed you.
3) As a postscript, name one thing you will actually do for someone in your life before December 31 that is born out of joy.
4) Tag 3 other bloggers who will play the game and find the spirit. Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog so they continue to share the good feelings.
1) Well, I guess I'd like something wonderful to happen for Sam and his family. Maybe because his post did touch my heart, but more likely because he and his family would be the folks I would think of for this question anyway.
I admire Sam's honesty, even when he's saying something others may view as unpleasant. Recently Sam's penchant for honesty has sparked some very enlightening conversations in my household.
I admire "Momma's" grace. She is above all things petty. I strive to be like that. She has also shown me that strength and vulnerability can co-exist, that darkness and laughter can be friends, that you can spend your evening kicking girl's asses on the roller derby rink, then come home and bake a honey cake for your kid.
I admire their kids first because they like my kids, secondly because they are very human. There's not a malicious bone in "Big Brother's" body. That is a rarity among children. I see him as a little genius, but I can tell his parents never have told him that because he's very humble and uncomplicated.
What do I wish for them? I wish for them to have the mental and emotional clarity they will need to face the things life throws at them. I also really wish they would win the lottery and "Momma" would use the money to open a sushi restaurant nearer to my house, and Sam could start a charter school stocked with books, pillows, and kids reading at lunchtime. I'd send my daughter there for sure.
2) My favorite memory of selflessness? I had a friend that I worked with while I was in college, his good character was only equaled by his fine set of teeth. Someone told me that he would put quarters in expired parking meters to save some citizen a parking fine. He did it for others, because he would have liked others to do that for him. The golden rule in action. He's a dentist now. I bet he's a good one with plenty of Novocaine. I won't go to him now though. I don't want anyone I actually like digging around in my neglected teeth. How embarrassing. But if you're from around here, I bet he'd do a great job of digging around in your neglected teeth.
3) What would I do for someone before Dec. 31st that is born out of joy? Maybe I'll drag my kids by the legs of their pants all over the hardwood floor, just to watch them squeal. This is purely selfless I'll add, because I will have to clean a good bit of dog hair off the backs of their shirts when this little adventure is over. Maybe if I drag them around long enough, the floor will actually get clean, then it will only be halfway selfless, but that's good enough for me.
4) I only have one blogger to tag and she's a fine old friend of mine. Merry Christmas MyGirlsMom2. You've been tagged.
1) Post a note about a blogger you would like to see something wonderful happen for. Maybe one whose posts have touched your heart in one way or another. Include details as to why you admire them and what you wish for them. Be as supporting and affirming as you can.
2) Post your favorite memory around selflessness, giving, or doing for others. Something that has actually changed you.
3) As a postscript, name one thing you will actually do for someone in your life before December 31 that is born out of joy.
4) Tag 3 other bloggers who will play the game and find the spirit. Don't forget to leave a comment on their blog so they continue to share the good feelings.
1) Well, I guess I'd like something wonderful to happen for Sam and his family. Maybe because his post did touch my heart, but more likely because he and his family would be the folks I would think of for this question anyway.
I admire Sam's honesty, even when he's saying something others may view as unpleasant. Recently Sam's penchant for honesty has sparked some very enlightening conversations in my household.
I admire "Momma's" grace. She is above all things petty. I strive to be like that. She has also shown me that strength and vulnerability can co-exist, that darkness and laughter can be friends, that you can spend your evening kicking girl's asses on the roller derby rink, then come home and bake a honey cake for your kid.
I admire their kids first because they like my kids, secondly because they are very human. There's not a malicious bone in "Big Brother's" body. That is a rarity among children. I see him as a little genius, but I can tell his parents never have told him that because he's very humble and uncomplicated.
What do I wish for them? I wish for them to have the mental and emotional clarity they will need to face the things life throws at them. I also really wish they would win the lottery and "Momma" would use the money to open a sushi restaurant nearer to my house, and Sam could start a charter school stocked with books, pillows, and kids reading at lunchtime. I'd send my daughter there for sure.
2) My favorite memory of selflessness? I had a friend that I worked with while I was in college, his good character was only equaled by his fine set of teeth. Someone told me that he would put quarters in expired parking meters to save some citizen a parking fine. He did it for others, because he would have liked others to do that for him. The golden rule in action. He's a dentist now. I bet he's a good one with plenty of Novocaine. I won't go to him now though. I don't want anyone I actually like digging around in my neglected teeth. How embarrassing. But if you're from around here, I bet he'd do a great job of digging around in your neglected teeth.
3) What would I do for someone before Dec. 31st that is born out of joy? Maybe I'll drag my kids by the legs of their pants all over the hardwood floor, just to watch them squeal. This is purely selfless I'll add, because I will have to clean a good bit of dog hair off the backs of their shirts when this little adventure is over. Maybe if I drag them around long enough, the floor will actually get clean, then it will only be halfway selfless, but that's good enough for me.
4) I only have one blogger to tag and she's a fine old friend of mine. Merry Christmas MyGirlsMom2. You've been tagged.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra.....
A conversation at lunch today:
"So Jake, what are you going to ask Santa for this year."
He licks his lips hopefully. Takes a deep breath and says "I want Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22 for Gameboy Advanced SP! "
What's my response?
"You'll shoot yer eye out kid!"
Here's a little Christmas Story clip for parents of kids on The Spectrum. No that's not my kid in the aviator glasses. She wouldn't be caught dead in a get up like that. She wears the red bellied woodpecker costume when she's waiting in line for Santa Claus.
Wizard of Oz is so passe in the Aspie community. This is what you're likely to hear from mine while she stands too close and stares too hard:
"I found a turtle. It was a Peninsula Cooter. They're rare. Turtles are my favorite."
"So Jake, what are you going to ask Santa for this year."
He licks his lips hopefully. Takes a deep breath and says "I want Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22 for Gameboy Advanced SP! "
What's my response?
"You'll shoot yer eye out kid!"
Here's a little Christmas Story clip for parents of kids on The Spectrum. No that's not my kid in the aviator glasses. She wouldn't be caught dead in a get up like that. She wears the red bellied woodpecker costume when she's waiting in line for Santa Claus.
Wizard of Oz is so passe in the Aspie community. This is what you're likely to hear from mine while she stands too close and stares too hard:
"I found a turtle. It was a Peninsula Cooter. They're rare. Turtles are my favorite."
Hi, my name is Michele....
and I'm a blog addict.
My 12 Steps
1. First, admit I have a problem. My dog is whining, my kids are fighting, and the laundry is getting sour, and I don't know what time it is (or day for that matter) but I can tell you the results of Mike Huckabee's last colonoscopy, and how many speeches Fred Thompson has given since declaring his candidacy (14). That's not good, especially compared to Romney's 78, who had a religious colonoscopy live on the air last week. And how I think it's creepy that Ron Paul is the new Ross Perot. RP. I wonder what their middle names are. Irwin? Ivan? Why do I care? Cause I'm a blog addict. I just admitted it. Step one, folks. Keep up.
2. Find a method to control the problem. Today I closed the computer up in the armoire. Then Josie wanted to play a game. So I opened it up. I knew she would be on it for a while, so I made sure to check my email before she started just in case Jesus came down from the heavens and the only way he could contact me was through Mozilla Thunderbird. I noticed there was a message from somebody from one of my old yahoo groups, who was not actually Jesus, but who got me thinking anyway. Not about my salvation but about yahoo groups in general. I set out looking for one for homeschooling mothers with daughters with aspergers who have brother's with bizarre habits and like to make up crap. I found it. Shadowkids. It's a group for parents of kids with syndromes that are as of yet unnamed, are mild, and look like other things. You know like Funkychickenosis, Dorkilococcus Borius, and my favorite Spastic Hypertyrantism (usually first appears at the age of 2. There's no cure until they get their first apartment.)
3. Next get my ass away from the bedroom, where lurks said computer, like a pusher and a drug all at the same time. I decided my new center of operation should be the kitchen. I got it very clean and mopped the floor. I thought about things I could cook and wondered if there were any good recipes on the web I hadn't checked out. Fortunately my kids were on the computer at the time, and the urge passed before I forcibly removed them from the chair, claiming that screens melt your brain. My kids are very lucky that I really don't like to follow recipes.
4. Play guitar. Of course this could be a problem, since it is another thing I do obsessively, and I like to surf for tabs online.
5. Draw. Could be a problem too, for the same reason of obsession as stated above. I look for material from which to draw on Google image searches.
6. Delete all my favorite blogs from the drop down menu. After I've booted the kids off RollerCoaster Tycoon and checked these blogs of course. But now it's like my favorite blogs are on a high shelf, and I have to stand on a chair in order to reach them. Typing is such a bitch, you know. And if I have to type in the name of the blog, then that's total premeditation.
7. Blissfully ignore the fact that I have a blogroll over there. That makes my favorite blogs pretty easy to access, but it would hurt the blogs' feelings if I deleted them. Add to that the fact that when the bloggers I visit online check their traffic tomorrow, they will find their visits from Knoxville have gone down significantly. Losing my traffic alone could drop them down a tier. I shouldn't say that.
8. Ask for forgiveness. For dropping you guys from my drop-down menu.
9. Realize nobody really gives a crap.
10. Breathe deep. Sit up straight in a proud Posture of Self-Reliance. It's good that no one gives a crap. They won't miss me. I am free.
11. Breathe out slowly, and gradually fall into the Slouch of Despondency, because no one gives a crap, and they won't miss me. I am inconsequential.
12. Replace my blog addiction with Crystal Lite and Vodka.
13. Big problem. There are 13 steps in my 12 step program. I must check in daily to see if anyone has sent me comments of support, or mixed drink recipes, or invited me to a yahoo group, or has any advice on breaking the habit, or wants to tell me that they give a crap, or to discuss Mike Huckabee's acid reflux.....
(Hey. I was just kidding about the Crystal Lite and vodka thing. I think Crystal Lite is terrible.)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Taking the Kids Here
One of the joys of homeschooling is that I can probably take the kids to see this on a weekday. Maybe we can meet Grandpa there.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Autism and Fever
And I'm not really ashamed that I used to like it when my daughter was sick. Now, she communicates in a much more back and forth way than she used to, but when she was under 6, people would have to listen to her make statements and try to reply with her talking over them about any subject she chose. Once, when she had pneumonia (at 5), she became a different kid. She would say things that made sense in the context of the situation. I could sit next to her and chat about what was on TV.
When I had her evaluated for Asperger's when she was 7, the psychologist asked me if my child seemed to communicate better when she had a fever. BING! YES! Can we give her a fever?!!! This fever/communication connection has been anecdotal in the autism community for a while, but now there's been a study done.
Bring on the Cytokines!
When I had her evaluated for Asperger's when she was 7, the psychologist asked me if my child seemed to communicate better when she had a fever. BING! YES! Can we give her a fever?!!! This fever/communication connection has been anecdotal in the autism community for a while, but now there's been a study done.
Bring on the Cytokines!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Addam's Family Homeschool
Can we come?
The first Addam's Family Episode. From 6 minutes in are all the reasons I homeschool, down to the box of spiders, unfortunately ours aren't thoroughbred.
I know it sounds crazy, but my gorgeous happy little sprite of a daughter would just adore the Addam's family house-- the ravens, the two-headed tortoise, Pugsly's octopus, the snake candles....
And if Jake had an uncle Fester who could power a lightbulb by sticking it in his mouth, my son would never leave his side.
The first Addam's Family Episode. From 6 minutes in are all the reasons I homeschool, down to the box of spiders, unfortunately ours aren't thoroughbred.
I know it sounds crazy, but my gorgeous happy little sprite of a daughter would just adore the Addam's family house-- the ravens, the two-headed tortoise, Pugsly's octopus, the snake candles....
And if Jake had an uncle Fester who could power a lightbulb by sticking it in his mouth, my son would never leave his side.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Best Tom and Jerry
I know, I haven't been blogging much about homeschooling lately. It's more of a technical problem. There are times in the day when I have a bunch to say, but my kid is usually on the computer then, and our wireless router is broken, so I can't use the downstairs computer to say it. I also often blog downstairs when I'm doing laundry. If I sit next to the machines, I don't forget that I have laundry in there.
So lately I have sour laundry, and sparse blog posting.
So here's a funny Youtube to fill space.
It's a re-hash episode, where Butch and the gang go over to Tom's house to watch home movies of all the rotten things Tom has done to Spike. I like it for the last 40 seconds. So if you'd like to watch it all, go for it. But if you just want to see the part that makes me laugh my ass off then just let it load up and start watching it 6 minutes in. Is it just me, or is that one of the funniest scenes in a cartoon ever?
Bow wow!...Bow wow
So lately I have sour laundry, and sparse blog posting.
So here's a funny Youtube to fill space.
It's a re-hash episode, where Butch and the gang go over to Tom's house to watch home movies of all the rotten things Tom has done to Spike. I like it for the last 40 seconds. So if you'd like to watch it all, go for it. But if you just want to see the part that makes me laugh my ass off then just let it load up and start watching it 6 minutes in. Is it just me, or is that one of the funniest scenes in a cartoon ever?
Bow wow!...Bow wow
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Best Christmas Programs
Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas. I watch it and my family laughs at me because I cry my eyes out. All it takes is a muppet and a song, and mom's a Christmas mess.
This one gets stuck in my head.
What's your favorite Christmas program?
This one gets stuck in my head.
What's your favorite Christmas program?
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