Thursday, May 03, 2007

A Curse and a Blessing (or Thought You Might Like to Know Part 3)

It's both a curse and a blessing that eyebrows grow back. If you have two fighting caterpillars above your eyes that would make a Russian dictator squirm, then it's a curse. If you have a kid who got a bit curious with the razor, then it's a blessing.

1 comment:

samuel said...

According to my mother, this is not always true. Apparently the pastor's wife at the church we attended when I was very young had been drawing her eyebrows in for years having followed some advice that involved shaving her eyebrows so that they would grow in differently.

Also, not entirely off topic because it has to do with eyebrows, apparently I'm growing at least one wild hair per eyebrow. I've discovered and trimmed an excessively long eyebrow hair on both sides of my face recently.