Friday, July 28, 2006

What Does This Dream Mean?

I'm in my house and I hear a scratching on the door. I go to investigate and discover a siamese pekignese(sp?) dog. Siamese as in co-joined. I guess then it was more like two dogs. On of the heads had this extra little eye a bit off to the side. Anyway, I let it in and give it some food. Then I decide that it probably belongs to the neighbor remembering that my neighbor has a mutant dog I think and send it back outside. OOOh, but I want to show my mom this weird dog, cause she lives with me I guess, along with a bunch of strange people who are like extras in my dreams. So I show my mom this five-eyed dog thingy, and explain to her that it is probably some incomplete twin thing and what did she think? But the dog wanted to say something. It had this real ghetto voice and it said "YO! All I wants is a place to sleep and eat! I ain't no trouble. I'll just live witchoo. AAhhh-iiiite?" So I let her come in and live with us.

So what do you think?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Mama say:
I'm going to try this again.

You are trying to be perfect and the dog represents imperfection. You are letting imperfection live with you and embracing it.

Or, you just had something weird to eat before you went to bed.