Thursday, July 13, 2006

I Get So Annoyed at the MSM

You never hear the end of the AP racking up the civilian deaths perpetrated by the Isrealis. It's like "Evil Joooooz" is a subliminal message in their middle east stories. " Get out your calculators folks. So far the Isrealis have killed more civilians." Today, that is. It's interesting to me how this article draws graphic mental images of the death a small Lebanese child in this current conflict. Imagine if we lined up the strollers that were viciously and intentionally emptied by suicide bombers over the years. The story also paints Hezbollah's military capabilities as weak and innaccurate. Remember, radical Islamists don't view civilian casualties as collateral damage, or as accidents of war. They weren't innaccurate when they went into Argentina to blow up innocent people in a Jewish center. Or when they blew up that airplane from Panama, and hijacked flight 847. But of course, they did these things on purpose, but radical Islamists are supposed to kidnap, maim, kill, and torture, we expect this from them. See the subtle bigotry? (Middle Easterners are barbarians after all. We should forgive them their animalistic ways, they aren't as capable of waging a fair war.) The Isrealis are not fighting children. ( Wait, I take that back, Hezbollah drafts 14 and 15 year old girls to carry out suicide bombings.) It's like the media wants Isreal to keep quiet and take a second holocaust like good little Jews. Speaking of little, can you find Isreal on that map up there?

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