Friday, June 09, 2006

Just for Fun

This is what my kids chose to learn yesterday while I did other things: Jake learned to brew coffee for me. He also poured me a cup and put Splenda and milk in it for me. He got a cup for himself too and drank the whole thing. He played a math computer game which is geared for 3rd and 4th graders, but he doesn't know that, he just picked the game he liked. Josie rolled around on the floor upstairs while we translated words and sentences into German for about 45 minutes. Now we know puppy is "Welpe" and her tail is an "Endstuck" (there's an umlaute over the "u"). So we remember it as "end-stick", and we laughed and laughed. We also learned the names of common birds. Finch is "Fink". Josie went to OT, then we went to the Birds on Wheels presentation at the library. After Ray got home, I went to Target. When I got back, Josie had filled my wheelbarrow with lava rocks so that I could take them down to the side-patio. That's no small feat. They caught fireflies when the sun went down, and we discovered a frog hanging out on the porch by the door.

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