Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can We Have at Least One Normal Conversation Around Here?

Me: "Geez, the dog is pooping a lot. Imagine what the yard would be like if we had three dogs!"

Jake: "Yeah. What if we had three dogs but we could only think of one name and we gave them all the same name and they were twins?"

How can a person string together so many words that mean absolutely nothing? And why does it make me so insanely irritated? Maybe it's because my answer would have to be something like this:

Me: "First of all, if we had three dogs they would definitely have different names. Secondly, three offspring born at the same time from the same mom are called triplets. Thirdly, weren't we talking about dog-to-poop ratios? How is your response even on topic?"

I guess it irritates me because I would have to think of these things and verbalize them and get to the end of the sentence before being interrupted by a child who is not really listening but thinking up the next absurd thing to say.

So I just continue to pick up poop and breathe shallowly through my mouth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! My Mom sent me the link to your blog. I really enjoyed reading through it. I need to get to work but email me and I'll update you on myself and my darling kiddos as well.

take care,