Friday, February 23, 2007

Psychic Nonsense?

I got a book called Entangled Minds by Dean Radin. He was on Oprah talking about how psychic phenomena is no longer considered superstition but studies in quantum physics have made skeptics take a second look. Well, having had a few premonitions and truly spooky dreams where I'm speaking to lost loved ones and such, I thought it would be fun to take some online tests that Dean Radin has created. It's at if you want to check it out and let me know how you did.

I really sucked at the card game. You had to choose among five cards to find the one that had the picture on the opposite side. When only able to choose the one card, I was right about 30% of the time. When the test allowed you to keep flipping cards until you found the picture, I usually flipped all of the cards before I found the image.

So laughingly, I moved on to the next game. It was remote viewing. I did really well at this. They show you a gray box and you are suppposed to imagine what shapes and images are going to show up in it when you press the button. There is a list to choose from. The first image I imagined was a house and a sky, but the shapes I selected were angles, and I didn't see any people in this image. The actual photo that popped up was a kitchen, and the prominent shapes and images I chose were 89% right on. Next I imagined a river and trees. The photo was really of a castle surrounded by water. Next I imagined two people next to a building. The photo was of a guard at buckingham palace with a tall red guard station behind him. It was about 8 feet tall and really skinny and red. He was up against a wall. I got an 89% on that one too. Of course I got a few 62% and 32% too. But a really startling thing happened in the 8th trial. I was imagining a fluffy white rabbit in the snow. It was curled up in a ball, and looking straight at me. Instead I got fruit. That one was way off I thought, so in the next trial I tried to go all Zen and not think of anything specific, just pick shapes and colors and images off the list sort of willy-nilly. The photo that popped up was a white rabbit running in the snow. Now what are the chances of that, really?

So if you're always walking around sensing Juju off people, or you've got hunches and intuitions, or you dream your late Grandpa Joe tells you what's coming up in world events, take the test and see how you do.

Update: These tests are designed for average folks who claim to have no special abilities. My hubby (whose psychic predictions extend only to the belief that he will singlehandedly save the Universe from the coming Zombocolypse) scored a 97% on his first trial of remote viewing. He pictured a big tire and a black background with no people. The actual image was of a classic car with a black background. So there you go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

speaking of books, the whole quantum mechanics vs psychic phenomena is pretty well presented (though a bit lacking) in Ervin Laszlo's Sicence and the Akashic Field.

Sometimes having worked in a bookstore comes in really handy, and you've touched on an area that I've done a bit of reading on myself