Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Letters to Any Soldier

These are the things we sent yesterday. The soldiers like getting drawings and handwritten letters and I figured the kids would really enjoy this project. I wrote a little page of rules for writing letters to soldiers -giving them ideas on what to say and what not to say. On Monday we sent some drawings and Josie made a little card that has little flowers with smiley faces that pop-up when it's opened. I sent a lot of hygeine products to one unit that had only a few women and were suffering from a lack of these necessary things. It also gave me a chance to explain to Josie what they were for, which, not surprisingly, she took in stride. To another unit we sent a bunch of snacks and candy and fitness magazines. Next time we do this, I'll have the customs forms filled out before we get in line at the post office. It was a feel-good project we will do again.

1 comment:


good year