Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Some Ideas

I want my kids to see education as an indespensible part of life. Not just the twelve years of intense schooling, interrupted by summers. So I need to figure out how we are going to spend our days. Of course there is breakfast first. After breakfast we should make our beds and pick up our rooms (Life Skills). Then we should probably get out of the house. Since it's hotter'n'ell right now, I think mornings would be a good time to get excercise. We could go rollerblading, and kite-flying. We could go to the park, or practice riding bikes. We could certainly take the dog for a walk, and watering the garden in the morning is a good idea. (P.E.) After that we could have a snack and do some writing. Writing letters to family and friends is always good. I need to get them to write at least three sentences a piece. I know it doesn't sound like much, but right now they are so over writing, and it doesn't come easily to either of them. Reading would be another thing we could do at this time. (Language Arts) I need to make sure they get science books at the library and actually do some of the experiments. (Science) If I get them jump-started at the beginning of the day, and have screen time only in the evening, I think they will just naturally pursue their education. All of the reading will certainly get them going on new subjects and then we can follow their interests.

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